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العناية بالجسم المتوازنة للميكروبيوم لجميع أنواع البشرة، بما في ذلك البشرة الحساسة. تسوق الغسول والعلاجات والزيوت والبخاخات التي تم اختبارها سريريًا.
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التقييمات الأخيرة
Great product!!
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The bottle is pretty!! The smell wasn’t bad at all, I really liked the texture of the oil. It wasn’t greasy and absorbed well into my skin. I can already notice my skin looking better as well. This is a product I will definitely use.
نشر في الاصل بتاريخ sephora.com
Great product!!
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] The bottle is pretty!! The smell wasn’t bad at all, I really liked the texture of the oil. It wasn’t greasy and absorbed well into my skin. I can already notice my skin looking better as well. This is a product I will definitely use.
نشر في الاصل بتاريخ influenster.com