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التقييمات الأخيرة
العمر: 25 إلى 34
النوع: أنثى
Amazing step 1 of my skincare routine
I have combination skin but more on the oily side. This product doesn’t break me out and it leaves my skin feel smooth right after. I like the smell too. I’ve read and watched beauty tips and what prompted me to buy this was when I saw a 40/50 year old mother looking so young and radiant for her age! She uses this regularly and been using Shu cleansing oil for decades. It’s not just this but the skincare routine itself so this product doesn’t take all the credit. Nevertheless, I’m happy that this doesn’t have negative effects on my skin.
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Favorite Shu cleansing oil
My favorite out of their cleaning oil line. Does not feel greasy after cleansing. Leaves skin supple and soft. Scent also reminds me of aromatherapy which is a huge plus.
نشر في الاصل بتاريخ sephora.com