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التقييمات الأخيرة
The new LILAC is *chefs kiss*
Have always used the orignial scent STW, LOVE it. But this new colour is EVERYTHING. Honestly makes such a difference as the colour matches its amazing scent.
نشر في الاصل بتاريخ sephora.com
Never using wipes again!
I’m officially obsessed with this “Wipe in a bottle”. I use it everyday- from cleaning up my sticky toddlers hands and face (he has sensitive skin), when I’m commuting and have an evening obligation that I need freshing up for, during my period, traveling, you name it! I continually reach for this product to keep me and my toddler cleaned up refreshed and confident on the go. I love that it is for sensitive skin- we both have very sensitive skin and this is non drying and we have no reaction and it’s so compact to throw in my bag or diaper bag.
نشر في الاصل بتاريخ sephora.com